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The New Honda CB400X For Youngsters

In Europe and Japan have attended motorcycle specifically for those who are young man, Honda brings to you The CB400X, with the support of 400cc dual-purpose engine, woow amazing, it definitely favored the youth there.

Honda CB400X is a renewal of CB500X, this motorcycle looks masculine, prepare your financial soon to soon have this great motorcycle.

CB400X supported by a windscreen higher than its predecessor, the higher 100mm, make sure you are safe and comfortable from the brunt of the wind, while you explore the highlands or hills.

Honda CB400X Suspension owned is Preload Adjuster can adjust to the track conditions. Interestingly of these motorcycles can adjust the brake lever, which is useful for adjusting braking with our hands.

Not only that the engine experienced improvements transmission shift mechanism. It's very interesting, of course Biker80 was eager to try the toughness of these motorcycles. That bit of information for you the youth in Europe and Japan, may be useful.


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